How many dolphins are in the sea?
Check out the video I had prepared for Science Discovery Day. You can also watch it on twitter @CSOedekoven

Using drones for surveying dolphins in the high seas
To test new methods for estimating abundance of dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP), we conducted a 14-day trial survey on...

Surveying dolphins in Vietnam
​​ Irrawaddy dolphins The endangered Irrawaddy dolphin is one of the cetacean species that occurs in the UNESCO designated Biosphere...

Workshop in Ho Chi Minh City
In November I travelled to Ho Chi Minh City and gave a two-day statistical workshop on Introduction to Distance Sampling and Passive...

Design of an ETP dolphin survey
The design of an eastern tropical Pacific dolphin survey is a very exciting project that I have been working on with Steve, Laura and...

Distance Sampling Workshop Online
Check out this online version of our Distance Sampling workshop! Traditionally, we have been giving this introductory workshop here in St...

Rammed by a sperm whale?
Our paper was recently published in Aquatic Mammals in which we describe our encounter with a group of sperm whales near the Mariana's...

Birds & Climate in Space & Time: Separating Spatial &Temporal Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife
Our paper Attributing abundance changes to weather variables: separating the spatial and temporal effects was recently published in...

Documenting the imminent extinction of the vaquita
On 16 March 2017, Len and I gave a CREEM seminar on the current status of the vaquita porpoise. The abstract of the seminar is shown...

How does underwater noise affect marine fauna?
Photo: Cornelia Oedekoven, courtesy NOAA. This question is becoming more and more important with the increase in human-produced...

Our paper on the endangered spur-thighed tortoise is out!
The spur-thighed tortoises live in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula in originally mosaic-type landscapes composed of pine forests,...

My first invitation to give a plenary talk!
This summer I was invited to give my first plenary talk at the conference Listening for aquatic mammals in Latin America (LAMLA 2016)...

Hierarchical centering for RJMCMC
My co-authors and I are pleased that our paper on hierarchical centering for RJMCMC algorithms was recently published in Computational...

Science talks at Eugene highschools
While I was visiting my sister in Eugene, Oregon last December, she had organised for me to give a *bunch* of talks and presentations at...

Joining the vaquita expedition!
This Saturday I am setting off to San Felipe, Mexico to join a team of scientist on board the research vessel Ocean Starr for the second...